The CTPA serves over 1.5 million students with a collective desire to share experiences, tools and knowledge.

Executive Director – Danny Poolman, Round Rock ISD President – Christopher Gorski, Tomball ISD Vice President – Edward Romero, San Antonio ISD Treasurer – Toni Bullock, New Caney ISD Secretary – Jennifer Kincaid, Temple ISD

Following are the duties of the Board of Directors as prescribed by the CTPA Bylaws.


1. The management of the Alliance shall be vested in an Executive Director and a Board of Directors.

2. The Board of Directors shall consist of the following member representatives: Executive Director, President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

3. The Round Rock Independent School District’s lead purchasing authority shall be the Executive Director of the Alliance.

4. Officer positions shall only be held by K-12 member districts.

5. Each member organization shall appoint a single representative as its voting member. Only voting members are eligible for Officer or Board positions.

6. If no candidate applies for office, the President (or Director in his/her absence) will have the authority to appoint an officer.

7. Board elections will be held in October, with all positions taking effect immediately.

8. Term. All Board members shall serve two-year terms, but are eligible for re-election with a maximum of two consecutive two-year terms in any specific position.


1. Executive Director

1.1. Serves as coordinator and manager of the alliance.

1.2. Serves as ad hoc committee member at all board meetings.

1.3. Prepares contracts and services to be presented to the President and the Board of Directors for approval. Serves as Chairperson of the Nominating Committee.

1.4. Acts as Authorized Representative for the Alliance in all matters pertaining to the execution of Interlocal Participation Agreements.

2. President

2.1. Conducts and presides over the Board of Directors, the alliance and all board meetings.

2.2. Must maintain an annual membership in the Texas Association of School Business Officials.

3. Vice President

3.1. In the absence of the President performs all duties of the President and other duties as requested by the President.

4. Secretary

4.1. Will record the minutes of all board meetings.

4.2. Maintain the historical records of the alliance.

4.3. Keep a roster of the membership and sponsors.

5. Treasurer – Works with CPA/Auditing firm chosen by the Board of Directors to provide the following services.

5.1. Quarterly financial reports.

5.2. Receives of all funds paid to the alliance in the form of membership dues, sponsor fees, booth fees and any and all other income due the alliance.

5.3. Ensure all financial records are submitted for annual audit by the Board of Directors or Board’s appointee(s).